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スイートポテト作りに挑戦 making “sweet potatoes”





On October 22nd, 2018, we tried making “sweet potatoes.”

The children gathered at 10 am in the hall wearing aprons and head covers. After they listened to a story about sweet potatoes and how to make “sweet potatoes,” they returned to their classes, washed and disinfected their hands then started making “sweet potatoes.”

Up to the 2 yr olds, the children were given sweet potatoes in plastic bags to squish. Soymilk and sugar were then added. The mixed product was then placed into foil cups by the teachers. From the 3 yr olds, the children peeled the potatoes and placed them in a bowl. They each took turns using a pestle to squish the potatoes well. They also added, sugar, soymilk, butter and put the mixed product into the foil cups.

Each class brought their filled cups to the kitchen and asked them to “please bake it well.” When the children ate the cooked “sweet potatoes” for their 3 o’clock snack they ate it quickly saying “It’s sweet!” and “It’s too good!”
